Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Turkey roulades

I didn't write down the measurements for this one, because as I was just trying to get Kiddo to allow me to cook, Mr. M and Ms. C and their boys came over to play. I was so happy! There's no better distraction. So here it is from memory...and by the way, Hub and I ate it all up, so it's a recipe for 2.

0.8 lb turkey cutlets
~ 1 T fresh mint
1 bunch parsley (I just shave the main bunch of leaves from the stems with a sharp knife)
1 small wedge goat cheese (4 oz? not sure)
3-4 slices country-style bacon
red wine

  1. Put the mint, parsley, cheese and pepper into a food processor, pulse
  2. Pound the turkey cutlets out, then spread the parsley mixture on them, fold, and wrap with bacon. Use toothpicks to secure.
  3. Heat oven to 350ยบ
  4. Heat a frying pan that you can transfer to the oven (ie, metal handles). Put the turkey roulades on the pan and sear on as many sides and you can, about 2 minutes a surface.
  5. Splash about 1/4 cup of red wine into the pan, and transfer to the oven
  6. Cook for about 10 minutes, then turn roulades over and cook another 5 minutes.

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