Monday, September 04, 2006

Roasted Rabbit

I need a vacation from my vacation. Kiddo has yet to play on his own for any length of time...even though he is very imaginative, he likes to have at least one other person involved in his play. That's usually me.

Last night after Ms. T's party, I decided I'd better roast that rabbit we picked up from the farmer's market. Rabbits really need to be cooked and not held in the fridge for any length of time...they really start to stink.

I mostly followed a recipe from Sally Schneider's fantastic A New Way to Cook. It was kind of stressful, but turned out delicious -- very like the chicken I've had in Europe, which tastes so much better than our bland chickens here. (By the way, my only modification was due to a lack of prunes and of 8 hours. I used currents and soaked them for about 1 hour. The stuffing was lovely.)

1 comment:

Jen said...

My experience with rabbit has been poor. It is so gamey. I really wanted to try it, we got a froze one. And the smell when Dereck was cooking it made me so sick that I tried a bit and then couldn't eat it.

And the texture was awful.


But maybe sometime I should try it again.