Sunday, October 21, 2012

Elephant Ears (Fried Dough)


 3/4 cup warm milk
1/2 tsp salt
1 Tblsp sugar
3 Tblsp melted butter
1 Tblsp active dry yeast

Let yeast proof (get foamy). 
Mix in: 

2 cups all purpose flour

Knead until smooth, cover in bowl and let rise 30 minutes.
Knead lightly, divide into 8 small balls.
Flatten and roll balls into "ears". 
Roll them thin, as they will fluff and blister when fried.
Fry in 350 degree vegetable oil, turning once to lightly brown each side.
Keep warm in oven until done frying all 8.
Brush both sides of each piece with melted butter and sprinkle with cinnamon sugar.
Serve immediately.

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